Drink Recipes
Ever wondered how we made our London Rain in the café? Try our recipe at home to recreate Figments' take on the famous Earl Grey tea latte, also known as a London Fog.Read now
Lavender Lemonade
Read nowYou have been waiting for this! We finally got the kit together so you can make Lavender Lemonade at home. We have two ways to make it as a hot method or a cold brew method. I Want It NOW!...
Tropical Breeze
Read nowTo Make a 2 quart pitcher you will need: - a 3 cup container that can handle the heat of the boiling water and you can pour from. - 6 teaspoons of Strawberry Kiwi Herbal Tea - 2 teaspoons of Mint Green Tea - 2...
Read nowTo Make a 2 quart pitcher you will need: - a 3 cup container that can handle the heat of the boiling water and you can pour from. - 6 teaspoons of Sparkling Sugar Plum Black Tea - 2 teaspoons of Mint Green Tea - 4...
Almond Berry Royale
Read nowTo Make a 2 quart pitcher you will need: - a 3 cup container that can handle the heat of the boiling water and you can pour from. - 4 teaspoons of Almond Rocker Rooibos Tea - 4 teaspoons of Raspberry Nectar...
Creme Irish Cream
Read nowGet a 16oz mug Start with: 1oz Irish Cream Creamer 1 tsp sugar 1 pump Irish Cream syrup Add: 2 teaspoons of Irish Breakfast Tea into an infuser Fill mug 3/4 with hot water Steep for 3 minutes Remove tea...
How to Make a Cupid's Arrow
Originally a Valentine's Special at our physical store, Cupid's Arrow is delicious enough to drink year round! Follow the directions in this blog post to learn how to make this cherry, vanilla tea latte.Read now -
How to Make a Blooming Jasmine
Ever wondered how to make a Blooming Jasmine tea latte at home? Read this blog post to learn our café recipe for this floral, green tea latte.Read now -
How to Make a Blueberry Crème Matcha
Learn our café recipe for the best blueberry matcha latte you've ever tasted! Drink it hot or iced for a sweet caffeine boost.Read now