Lapsang Souchong Black Tea
Experience the remarkable flavors of Lapsang Souchong Black Tea, a superior leaf tea from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China. Renowned for its distinct smoky character, this tea is traditionally smoke-dried over pinewood fires, resulting in a bold, tarry flavor profile and heady aroma. Its crisp, robust nature has made it a favorite among tea enthusiasts seeking a unique and memorable cup.
Legend has it that the smoking process was discovered during the Qing Dynasty when a passing army delayed the drying of fresh tea leaves. To make up for lost time, tea producers lit fires of pinewood to hasten the process, inadvertently creating a new and sensational flavor. Today, the best Lapsang Souchong is still produced in this same region, where thick pine forests and heavy mist provide the ideal conditions for growing and crafting top-quality smoked tea.
The production method is as intricate as the tea’s flavor. Fresh tea leaves are first withered over pine or cypress fires, then pan-fried and rolled. They are pressed into barrels to ferment until they develop a fragrant aroma, after which they are smoked and dried over pinewood fires. The result is a dark, glossy leaf that brews into a rich red infusion with an unmistakable smoky profile. Best enjoyed with milk or sugar, Lapsang Souchong is an acquired taste that rewards the adventurous palate.
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