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How to Make Sun Tea

How to Make Sun Tea

  1. Grab your favorite pitcher or iced tea maker or mason jar and something to put the loose leaves in like a large T-Sac or large tea ball.
  2. Use 1tsp of tea per 8oz. (For our 64oz iced tea maker use 8tsp of tea.)
  3. Place the T-Sac or infuser in the pitcher of your choice and fill with filtered water.
  4. Place the pitcher outside in direct sunlight for 3-5 hours.
  5. After 3-5 hours of brewing, take the pitcher inside.
  6. Feel free to sweeten at this step or save till the end.
  7. If you prefer a mellow flavor, take the tea out at this stage. If you prefer stronger tea, leave the tea leaves in the pitcher as it chills in the fridge.
  8. After a couple hours in the fridge, the tea should be chilled enough to enjoy.
  9. Fill a glass with a few ice cubes, add milk or sugar if desired, and pour the sun tea.
  10. Add garnish like fruit slices (if you're feelin' fancy).
  11. Sip and be refreshed!


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